Bibliothek H-BRS

JoVe Science Education - videos for natural sciences

Donnerstag, 25. März 2021

The Department of Natural Sciences and the H-BRS library now offer various natural science modules from the provider JoVe.
Bibliothek_jove_promotion_video_journal_image.jpg (DE)
JoVe - Journal of Visualized Experiments

JoVe consists of video and the associated publication incl. the instructions and methods for performing the experiments. Thus, JoVe provides basic knowledge through high quality video presentations with didactic concepts.
Most of the teaching units are accompanied by a transcript that runs parallel to the film. This makes it possible to follow the spoken content barrier-free in several languages.

JoVe is activated campus-wide and can also be accessed the remote access of the library for university members from outside the campus.

The following parts are available: