Fachbereich Informatik

Ernst Kruijff expands the board of directors of the IVC

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022

Since mid-February, Professor Ernst Kruijff has joined the Board of Directors of the Institute of Visual Computing (IVC). Together with Professor Hinkenjann and Professor Herpers, he will steer the affairs of the IVC from now on.
Portrait Ernst Kruijff (DE)

Kruijff has been employed at the H-BRS since 2013. First as a PostDoc and since 2019 as a professor for Human Computer Interaction. From the beginning, he has been actively involved in the IVC with current research topics, for example in the area of augmented reality / virtual reality. In recent years, Kruijff has taken on increasing responsibility for the IVC and has worked intensively on research projects, staff and the further development of the institute. His new role as director now does justice to this.

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Kruijff wants to continue to take up and develop innovative and current research topics at the IVC. Together with Hinkenjann, he is active in the Games Technology Network, for example, which focuses on the topic of computer game development in cooperation with other universities in NRW.

Kruijff has been researching design, development and evaluation of 3D user interfaces in the field of gaming as well as in other professional applications for 25 years and wants to continue to advance this field. Especially in the area of haptics, there are still many research questions and numerous open challenges.

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