Bibliothek H-BRS

Renovations in the Library

Donnerstag, 28. April 2022

From Monday, May 2nd, 2022, extensive renovations will take place in the library at the Sankt Augustin campus.

The carpeting and lighting will be replaced. In addition, the library will receive flexible furniture to support learning and working. The entrance to the library is located on the 2nd floor during the renovation phase. Please follow the signposts through the staircase.

The 1st floor is not accessible during the renovation phase.

We ask for your understanding that the learning space can only be used to a limited extent during this time.

From Monday on, the library stock is available via the function "retain item" in the catalogue.
Please follow this link to the catalogue:

Usually on the next working day, the ordered media are ready for you on the 2nd floor.

The opening and consultation hours remain unchanged. The library staff will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Bibliothek_Skizze_Umbau 2022.png (DE)

After the renovation, an innovative learning space for studying, teaching and research will be available. According to our current knowledge, the renovation phase will take 6 to 8 weeks. We will keep you informed about the progress on this webpage.