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Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Asia Supermarkets

Asian supermarkets can provide you with traditional food

There are several Asian supermarkets located in the city of Bonn which can provide you with a variety of goods from China and other regions, e.g. rice from North-East China, Japan, Thailand, instant noodles and Chinese frozen JiaoZi.
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Moreover Shanghai green cabbage, Canadian soybeans, Guangdong soy sauce, sesame oil, hot pepper, ginger and Chinese chopper knifes are available.

While the Asia markets suit the needs of enriching the Chinese flavor in cooking, the German supermarkets serve the daily consumption of bread, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables.

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“I could buy all the things I need to prepare traditional Asian meals in the Asia markets in Bonn. Especially in the beginning of my studies in Germany this possibility made me feel more comfortable in this new country. Asian food is not as cheap as in Asia, but therefore staple food is not very expensive in German supermarkets.”