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Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

MBA Alumni Profile of David Elema

David was a full-time working MBA student and already brought in some working experience in the non-corporative sector when he took the program in 2014. In this interview, David shares how his education at BRS-University has expanded his perspectives in the dynamic Supply Chain & Logistics sector.
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Name: David Elema

Year of Graduation: 2016

Country of Origin: Nigeria

Current Job Position:
Regional Tender Manager, Europe
at Deutsche Post DHL

Field of Expertise: 
Pre-Sales, Supply Chain & Logistics

Visit David's LinkedIn Profile

Why did you choose BRS-University for your MBA studies?
Was there anything in particular that made you choose BRS-University? 
How was your academic and professional background prior to the MBA program and what has led you to the decision to start the MBA program at BRS-University? 

I was interested in a study program that offered me some form of study flexibility that I could run in parallel with my full-time job. During my search, I came across the NGO & CSR management program. Since I had previous experience in the non-corporate sector, I found myself being increasingly curious about what the program had to offer.


„"It was quite interesting to experience that my MBA qualification played a big role in my negotiations that followed."”

"It was quite interesting to experience that my MBA qualification played a big role in my negotiations that followed."

Tell us about your time at our BRS-University.
What did you enjoy most during your time of studies? 
How did the MBA program help you to shape your professional profile?

During my time of studies, I was very impressed with the experience and diverse background of the professors and the class internationality. I also enjoyed the flexibility and openness and how serious our feedbacks were taken into consideration. Not to sound like a nerd, I found the content relating to business very enlightening.


Tell us about your time outside the University.
What kind of extracurricular activities were you involved in?
Which events should not be missed to connect with other internationals?

I created a bond with most of my course mates and oftentimes, some of us met outside of our program to discuss our professional experience and how to explore opportunities within or outside our organization. We also enjoyed the company of our classmates and the program coordinators at informal gatherings, including dinners and exploring the Bonn Christmas Markets in winter, which I will recommend as a culture to keep in the future.

„"Thanks to my MBA qualification, convincing my manager to be promoted was easier than I would have expected."”

"Thanks to my MBA qualification, convincing my manager to be promoted was easier than I would have expected."

David, please tell us more about your pathway since you graduated from BRS-University. In which business field are you currently working and what is your current occupation? How has the MBA degree contributed to your career so far?

My career journey has been quite a challenging and interesting journey at the same time. At the time of my MBA studies, I was a senior analyst for commercial projects at Deutsche Post DHL’s Customer Solutions & Innovation division. A role which I held for two years. Few months, after completing my studies, I approached my manager to discuss my career plan and to understand what paths to explore. It was quite interesting to experience that my MBA qualification played a big role in the negotiations that followed.

Because of my MBA studies, I was offered an additional role to Co-Lead the Corporate Responsibility & Responsible Business practice topic in my business division due to my study background. Thanks to my MBA qualification at BRS-University, convincing my manager to be promoted to a manager role was easier than I would have expected.


What advice would you give MBA program freshman to make the most of their time here? If you could offer one piece of advice to current students what would it be? 

Learning in any form is never a waste of time because you will never know what opportunity will come knocking at your door!


Thank you, David for sharing your experiences and your personal story with us.
We wish you all the best on your further career path.

Your MBA-Team