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A showroom for visual computing technologies

The field of visual computing covers a wide range of applications and includes virtual, augmented and mixed reality as well as computer graphics, computer vision and other areas. These technologies can open up completely new views on analysis, creativity, interaction, decision making and manufacturing in many areas of industry, research, education and training.

Visualization is particularly important for innovations in SMEs. In the context of digitisation, for example, visualization offers new options for big data analysis using high-resolution display systems, as well as simulation and monitoring of data streams.

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Business consulting

The showroom offers workshops and other interaction formats for businesses to explore new systems and R&D trends in visual computing and learn about  funding for innovative projects. The showroom also facilitates exchange between businesses.

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Adapting to Industry 4.0

Targeted information and joint projects, especially for new production technologies and processes, support innovation in SMEs. The focus is on adapting to the needs of Industry 4.0 and the related innovation leaps.