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Kommunikation und Marketing

Komm, mach MINT

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The project "Komm, mach MINT" (Come on, do STEM) aims to inspire and promote girls for the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in order to reach more female university entrants in our fields of study mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science in the future.


For that, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences offers the holidays project "GET together" especially for girls.  GET together" means "get together", but also stands for "Girls explore technics together". Here, the schoolgirls can gain experience in the field of technology in an easy and informal way. A great program with various topics such as robotics, renewable energies and bionics makes technology tangible for them and arouses their curiosity.  


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In addition, the university offers project days for schools that deal with various topics in technology and are intended to motivate girls and boys alike.


Offers overview: