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[Archive] University elections in May 2021


Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021


00:00 - 22:00

wahl studentin 10692980.jpg (DE)

The counting of votes will take place on Thursday, 27 May 2021 starting at 14:00 in rooms E 221 and E 203 in Sankt Augustin.

Who votes?

Eligible to vote are

  • the employees of the five departments for the election of their respective departmental councils
  • the students of the five departments for the election of their respective departmental councils
  • female students for the election of the female student members of the Equal Opportunities Committee
  • male students for the election of male student members of the Equal Opportunities Committee.
Who is elected?
  • all members of the departmental councils of the five departments
  • the student members of the Senate
  • the student members of the Equal Opportunities Committee
  • the representative of the interests of student assistants

The approved election proposals were announced by e-mail on 26 March 2021.

When will the elections be held?

In accordance with the decision of the President's Office, the university elections will take place in the form of a postal vote only. The closing date is Wednesday, 26 May 2021.

Postal Vote

In its meeting on 15 April 2021, the electoral board decided according to § 17 (1) electoral code that the upcoming university elections for all members of the department councils, the student members of the Senate and the Equal Opportunities Committee as well as the representative of the interests of student assistants will take place by mail only.

Eligible voters were informed by mail on 21 April 2021 and can apply for a postal vote via a link attached to the mail.

Alternatively, it is also possible to apply for postal voting in writing or by e-mail (justiziariat@h-brs.de) stating an address to which the voting documents shall be sent.

The postal voting documents will then be sent to you.

When do absentee ballots have to be sent?

The ballot paper should be mailed in Germany no later than the third working day before the election (in this case Thursday, 20 May 2021) to ensure that it arrives in time for the 26 May deadline.

Due to the corona pandemic, it has unfortunately not yet been possible to hold the by-election for the university elections originally scheduled for May 2020, which was announced for 24 and 25 November 2020. The university elections will now take place as a postal only election.