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Fachbereich Informatik

Summer party in the Department of Computer Science


Donnerstag, 02. Juni 2022


17:00 - 22:00

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After a break of over two years, the Department of Computer Science, together with the Computer Science Student Council, is once again firing up the barbecue and getting out its guitars. In addition to delicious barbecue food, there will also be a buffet so that there is something for everyone. The band "Night Angel" will be playing live music and the student council will be providing its own programme to keep everyone in a good mood. We are looking forward to a convivial evening.

If the weather is nice, we will celebrate outside in the courtyard between the Audimax and the department; if the weather is bad, we will go to the Mensa.

You can register via the online form until 23.05.2022.


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