Kommunikation und Marketing

Partnership between University of Kathmandu and H-BRS

Dienstag, 7. Februar 2017

Thanks to her many years of personal contact with Nepal, Astrid Funke, a Cologne lawyer and part time Professor of European Law in the Department of Social Security Studies at H-BRS, has established ties with her colleague, Dr. Bipin Adhikari, Dean of the School of Law. After signing an agreement, the University of Kathmandu is H-BRS' newest foreign partner university.

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The university in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu is only a few years older than Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Its School of Law was first established in 2013 and is still in development.

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University may not have a Faculty of Law, but "nevertheless", the professors, Astrid Funke and Laurenz Mülheims, Dean of the Department, believe that it is in a position to offer "very useful development assistance." This includes basic course planning as well as subject-related expertise, for example in the field of social legislation in relation to social systems. Funke is also a lawyer, Mülheims used to be a judge, and the third legal practitioner in the department, Professor Susanne Peters-Lange, who, after her habilitation at the University of Cologne was authorised to teach social law, civil law and employment law, was also a judge.

"Furthermore, our colleagues in Nepal are showing great interest in adapting the Master's degree course in Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems offered in Hennef," reports Mülheims. The country on the roof of the world is fighting emigration by its young people to other countries where they hope to find better educational and career opportunities. The hope is that good educational prospects in their own country might help, despite all of the adversity and natural catastrophes, to build a good employment market in Nepal and thus retain the country's skilled workers.