Kommunikation und Marketing

Company Representatives Rate Universities

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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In cooperation with Universum Consulting and the Handelsblatt Publishing Group, accessKelly OCG has been rating universities by interviewing HR managers in companies for four years. The university rankings reflect the managers' assessments of the German university landscape. The HR managers rated the graduates' professional prospects according to subjects, provided information on the degrees preferred in the respective subjects and the decisive employment criteria for graduates. Reutlingen University is the undisputed number one in Business Administration - just as last year. It received positive ratings from 25% of HR managers, followed by the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, which advanced from third to second place. It is also closely followed by HS Pforzheim, which ranks third. The Münster University of Applied Sciences, which came second right after HS Reutlingen last year, was ranked fifth. Our University, which was not among the Top Twelve last year, now comes seventh. In Business Information Technology, the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is also among the Top Twelve, i.e. it comes eleventh according to the HR managers' ratings. Apart from that, the only North Rhine-Westphalian university to have been ranked among the Top Twelve is FH Dortmund (rank 10). For further information on the survey please click on the following link: