Kommunikation und Marketing

StudiVZ gives top ratings to University of Applied Sciences

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

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The University of Applied Sciences has achieved top ratings in the large survey carried out by the Internet platform StudiVZ.

In a large online survey the users of StudiVZ rated their German-language universities, universities of applied sciences or universities of co-operative education all across Europe. On the whole, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences achieved outstanding results: it was awarded grade 1.9, thus ranking fifth.

Several criteria were used to assess student life. Among other things, the library facilities, the practical relevance of the degree courses and accommodation facilities were subject to voting. Even though the ranking undertaken by the StudiVZ users is not representative, the number of votes cast is none the less weighted according to the size of the respective university. As is generally known, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich is the only German-language university to be among the world's best 100, according to the Shanghai Ranking. However, the fact that ETH Zürich now only ranks 14th and Bonn University 155th does not imply that these universities are worse than the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Rank 5 for our University and rank 11 for the Private University of Applied Sciences for Tourism Management in Bad Honnef show that these small universities are assessed as being better by their students.