Kommunikation und Marketing

High scores in CHE ranking

Dienstag, 26. August 2014

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University has achieved good ratings in the university ranking carried out by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) and published in the latest 2014/15 ZEIT Study Guide. In Business Administration and Business Management in particular the students are very satisfied with the overall study situation, which has been awarded an overall grade of 1.6. In six categories, the students have ranked the Department of Management Sciences among the top group - for instance, with respect to its tuition offerings, its international orientation and its practical relevance. The number of average ratings is equally high.

Apart from the degree programmes in Business Administration (Rheinbach) and Business Management(Sankt Augustin), the courses of study in Technical Journalism and Business Information Systems were centre stage in the current ranking.

Prospective students looking for a university with the aid of the university ranking can choose from a comprehensive catalogue, thus setting their own priorities with respect to university choice . According to the CHE, the analysis includes up to twenty different assessment criteria per study subject.

The ZEIT Study Guide, which contains the CHE ranking, provides students with answers to the most important questions revolving around study entry and with support in finding the right subjects and an appropriate place to study. It also includes advice on funding opportunities and on how to apply to study.

For detailed information on the ranking please go to:
