
Enrollment as a PhD student now

Montag, 27. April 2015

Einschreibung Rademacher 2015_0478 (DE)

By registering as a PhD student they are members of the university. Michael Rademacher, a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science, is the first one, who received his student ID in the Registar’s Office. This student ID card entitles you to use the University and District Library, to copy at key points in the university, to use cafeteria at discounted prices, and serves as a ticket in the VRS area. But most important is the formal proof of student status at the university.

The basis for enrollment as a PhD student at the university of applied sciences is the law to cooperative graduation from universities and universities of applied sciences, Hochschulzukunftsgesetz (HZG) in North Rhine-Westphalia. According to § 67a paragraph 1 of HZG PhD students, who are supervised under a cooperative doctoral studies at the university of applied sciences, can now enroll as doctoral students at this university.


For further questions please contact the Graduate Institute.