Kommunikation und Marketing

What did you do after your degree?

Freitag, 25. November 2016

At present, a follow-up study is being conducted to the graduate survey of former students who completed their degree programmes in the 2010/11 winter semester or the 2011 summer semester. Graduates who took part in the initial 2012/13 survey are invited to disclose their subsequent experiences here. The survey is part of the nationwide KOAB research project, which is coordinated by the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER-Kassel).

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The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is participating in a study organized by the International Centre for Higher Education Research to examine the academic and career progression of recent graduates.

All graduates who completed their degrees at H-BRS in the 2011/12 winter semester or the 2012 summer semester and who took part in the 2012/13 graduate survey can also complete an online survey.

The topics focused on are subsequent career history, regional mobility and, if applicable, further education/professional development and business start-ups.

To access the survey, please use the code from your postal mailing or contact us to receive your code by e-mail (send your request to absolventenstudien@h-brs.de). The questionnaire is also available in German.

Thank you to everyone who has already taken part in this anonymous survey. The response rate currently stands at approx. 29%.