Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE)

TREE-Colloquium: "Functional Surfaces"

Montag, 20. November 2017

On Thurdsay, the 30th of November 2017, the TREE-Colloquium "Functional Surfaces - Efficient Plastic Solutions for Cooling Technologies" by Dr. Nina Woicke takes place at the Campus Sankt Augustin. The presentation will start at 14:00pm in room A163.
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Dr. Nina Woicke works as the leader of the R&D Department 2H Business of the ENEXIO Water Technologies GmbH in Aachen and Wettringen. Within her area, the cooling and wastewater technologies, it is significant to always use the potentials of new technologies and innovations. By this, it is possible to efficiently adapt to the increasing environmental requirements as well as the determining competition conditions.

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Within the in-house test laboratory and in close collaboration with international partners she develops new structures for the cooling and wastewater technologies. The developments are driven in close correlation to the used manufacturing processes (injection moulding / extrusion) and the used materials.

The talk gives an insight into the approach and the design of functional surfaces within the product engineering for the area of cooling technologies. Another topic is the application of innovative and efficient technologies and materials as well as a consideration of costs and customer focus.

"Functional Surfaces - Efficient Plastic Solutions for Cooling Technologies"
Dr. Nina Woicke - ENEXIO Water Technologies GmbH
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, St. Augustin, Room A163
Thurday, 30. November 2017, at 14:00pm