Fachbereich Informatik

Gabriela Cortes wins NCCR Master Internship for Women

Donnerstag, 23. November 2017

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Gabriela Cortes is a student in the Master of Autonomous Systems at H-BRS.  She recently got awarded the NCCR Master Internship for women grant and will go to ETH Zürich in February. For six months, she will be working in the Sensory-motor Systems Laboratory directed by Prof. R. Riener. The name of her project is "Encoding gait pathologies to provide individualized assistance". The internship involves the improvement and development of control strategies for a light, textile-based exoskeleton. The idea behind it is to help people with weaknesses of the musculoskeletal system by giving them just as much support as they need. During her stay, Gabriela will collect patient data in order to train the machine learning algorithms as well as corresponding performance tests (both online and offline).

Every year, the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research in Robotics (NCCR Robotics ) opens a call for proposals for projects for female Master’s students who wish to spend a period of 3-6 months in an NCCR Robotics lab. NCCR Robotics is a research consortium spanning four institutions across Switzerland, with the aim of strengthening robotics-related research in Switzerland. It contains more than 20 labs with over 100 researchers working in the field of robotics for improving the quality of life.


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