Fachbereich Informatik

Prof. Borutzky holds Keynote at NFEST 2018

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018

In January, Professor Borutzky was an invited keynote speaker to the international conference NFEST 2018.
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In January, Professor Borutzky was an invited keynote speaker to the first international conference NFEST 2018 (short for New Frontiers in Engineering, Science and Technology). The event was held at Delhi Technological University (DTU), India and hosted by the Society for Fusion of Science and Technology. The institution which was founded in 2015 aims to bring together experts from various fields of science and industry to work on sustainable solutions.

The title of Prof. Borutzkys keynote address was State-of-the-Art and Trends in Bond Graph Modelling.


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