
German Jordanian Friendship

Montag, 7. Mai 2018

In April 2018, Vicepresidents Prof. Dr Iris Groß and Prof. Dr Jürgen Bode welcomed members of a delegation of the German Jordanian University (GJU) like old friends, including GJU President Prof. Dr. Manard Fayyad.

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As part of a DAAD visit, the delegation informed itself about cooperations with the H-BRS. Prof. Dr Rainer Herpers was pleased to report to the delegation participants on the recently launched DAAD project between GJU, H-BRS and Yarmouk University in Irbid / Jordan.

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In cooperation with the local Business Campus, master graduates from Jordanian universities will be trained in the programme "Structural Development Measures to Create Technology Transfer Offices in Jordanian Universities" this year. The aim is to provide young, creative Jordanians with tangible tools for starting a business. During the meeting, the guests enjoyed products from "true fruits", a successful start-up of the H-BRS.

With great interest the guests followed the vivid presentation of Prof. Dr Paul G. Plöger on the study of autonomous systems before setting off to their next stop in Berlin.
