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Fachbereich Informatik

Information for students

We are happy if you intend to work with us. In order to make sure that some basics are clear to everyone, please read the following information. Don't hesitate to ask if something remains unclear or appears to be weird:

Source of Information

If you can take information from other students as a starting point or support for your thesis: copy or use other people's work. Of course you have to make clear what your own contribution is, and who's work you are referencing in your documents. We do not expect that every student working with (e.g.) wireless LANs writes his own new Introduction to Wireless Networks!


Typically, we make our (and your) work transparent. This means that your name, possibly with a link to some further information, appears on the laboratory's homepage. It would be great if you could provide a link that will be valid after your time at the university, enabling following students to contact you if they are interested in your work.


Usually, we have a webpage that refers to your work. We may add a link to your expossee and links to the results of your work, including your thesis and your code, making it freely available on the Internet. In case of code, we encourage you to add a license statement to every source file, e.g. the GPLv3 license. Please let us know if you disagree, and we will refrain from doing so. But keep in mind that your scientific work is only valuable if other researchers can build upon it. You may also provide a public version of your work (e.g. your thesis) if you want to protect specific information (like your student registration number / Matrikelnummer).

To make it very clear: You are the owner of your work! We silently assume that you agree to make your work, as far as it is part of your work in our group, public. Please let us know if you disagree. Disagreeing will have no negative impact on the support, supervision, or final marks you will get from us.

Talk to us

We want to enjoy our work at the lab, and we want you to enjoy working with us. If you experience any problems: talk to us. In particular Markus Kessel (WHK), Jakob Berger (SHK), Michael Rademacher and Jannis Konrad (WM) and Karl Jonas (Prof) are available to support you. This is (part of) our job!

Welcome to the MediaCommunication Lab and enjoy

Karl Jonas