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Citizens and businesses of the Neunkirchen-Seelscheid municipality were surveyed from December 2017 to February 2018 on their quality of life and business situation, respectively.
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The survey aimed to find wishes, ideas and expectations of citizens and businesses in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid. Around 800 took part in the citizen survey. With only 40 responses, participation among businesses was significantly lower. “The results of this survey provide very interesting insights, which can be used to improve things,” says Professor Klaus Deimel. The survey aimed to measure the underlying mood. This was a success, and the result shows that the mood tends towards positive in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid.

Summary of the citizen survey

The factor rated most highly by citizens was the attractive location. Citizens enjoy the rural environment in close proximity to the Cologne/Bonn metropolitan area. A majority rated the general quality of life as “good” or “excellent”. Participants both valued daily shopping opportunities and were well satisfied with the available options. Participants were also satisfied with schools, sports clubs and child care. They were not satisfied, however, with the cultural offers. Municipal politics and the administration also received low satisfaction ratings. Citizens identified better broadband services as the most urgent matter, followed by medical services, public transport and roads.  Regarding the housing situation, more than half were in favour of new residential areas and repurposing and development of existing commercial areas. The available local recreation areas should be developed further. Another priority is improving access to universities and educational institutions.

Summary of the business survey

The Neunkirchen-Seelscheid business community was more critical in comparison in the survey. Although a large proportion of respondents are rather satisfied with the location, only about a quarter of them would definitely recommend the location to an entrepreneur friend. Reasons against recommending the location to others include the lack of broadband/DSL availability and excessively high taxes and fees. Thus, the topic of broadband expansion has a high demand factor among both the citizens and the entrepreneurs. The majority of business owners surveyed also favor further development of land for commercial growth in the community. This should primarily take place through the conversion and further development of existing commercial areas. In addition, the business community would also like to see improved access to higher education institutions.

Performed for the first time in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, the survey is the basis for the cooperation between H-BRS and the municipality.