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Invitation to Guest Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Agyapong


Dienstag, 23. November 2021


11:30 - 12:30

We cordially invite you to attend the guest lecture held in English on 23 November 2021. Professor Dr. Daniel Agyapong will address current issues related to sustainability in Africa. He is a visiting guest professor in the International Business program. This lecture is scheduled from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. (UTC+1) as part of “Business English: A Simulation Course in Entrepreneurship” offered by the Language Centre for the Department of Management Sciences.

Unfortunately the guest lecture cannot be held as planned in the Audimax at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Campus Sankt Augustin. 

It will be broadcasted via zoom as part of the Digital International General Studies (DISG). Please click on the following yellow button to join the event online. 

We are looking forward to having you join us!

The 4 Dimensions of Electronic and Electrical Waste in an African Context

The issue of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is topical in Africa, especially in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya. This is due to the ever-increasing production, distribution and consumption of electronic and electrical equipment. Ironically, today’s corporate entities focus on pre-production and production activities. There is less emphasis on the post-consumption effect of their products on consumers and the environment. The presentation concentrates on post-consumption issues of electronic and electrical equipment. It highlights the four dimensions, including human health issues, environmental impact, social dimensions and economic/business benefits. The discussion centers on the personal and environmental health effects of e-waste. This includes the pollution of aquatic and terrestrial life, the social reasons why people engage in e-waste businesses, as well as the economic benefits of engaging in eco-businesses.

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Professor in Finance and Entrepreneurship
School of Business, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Visiting Guest Professor at H-BRS
Department of Management Sciences

The Digital International General Studies (DISG) offers the opportunity to gain low-threshold international experience by participating in its courses and individual events, which are offered university-wide as well as for students of our partner universities.

More information on DISG: https://www.h-brs.de/en/general-studies