Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung

Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung
- Pension reforms
- Global social protection policy
- National social protection policies during political and economic crisis
- Measuring performance of social protection systems
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Alle 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
Teaching areas
International Master Programme “Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems”:
- Social Protection Financing and Modelling (Social Expenditure and Resource Mobilization; Financing Techniques)
- Social Protection Evaluation (Evaluation of Social Protection Systems)
Other teaching areas:
- Social Protection Statistics, Social Budgeting and Quantitative Techniques in Social Protection
- Economics of the Welfare State
- Pension Reforms
- International Social Security Standards
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- PhD, Economics University of Warsaw 1998
- M Econ Sc. University of Warsaw 1975
Other Training:
- Management and Leadership Development Programme, International Labour Office 2009
- Internship UK Department of Social Security/UK Office of the Government of Actuary 1997
- Advanced Management Programme, Harvard Business School 1993
Work experience
- HOCHSCHULE BONN-RHEIN-SIEG, from January 2016; Honorary Professor
- ICRA Foundation, Warsaw, Poland (http://www.icra.pl/) , since 2015; Senior Researcher
- COLLEGIUM CIVITAS, Warsaw, Poland, from October 2014; Lecturer in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management
- MAASTRICHT GRADUATE SCHOOL OF GOVERNANCE, from December 2001; Lecture in Social Budgeting and Quantitative Techniques in Social Protection
- OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF POLAND, SOCIAL POLICY BUREAU, Poland, from 5.08.2014 to 30.06.2015; Expert at Social Policy Bureau within the Office of the President of Poland providing advice on pension design and policies and social policy monitoring and evaluation
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE, Switzerland, from 15.11.1993 to 31.03 2014. Positions: (1)
- Branch Chief (D1), Social Policy, Governance and Standards, Supervising policy development and research work of the ILO Social Protection Department, in particular preparatory work for the adoption of ILO. Recommendation no 202 concerning national floors of social protection and its promotion. Coordinating work on World Social Protection Report
- Chief of Policy Development and Research (D1), ILO Social Security Department; Supervising policy development and research work of the Department, in particular preparatory work for the adoption of ILO Recommendation no 202 concerning national floors of social protection and its promotion, development of social protection statistics databases and preparing publication of the World Social Security Report
- Chief of Policy Development and Research (P5), ILO Social Security Department; Supervising policy development and research work of the Department, in particular preparatory work for the adoption of ILO Recommendation no 202 concerning national floors of social protection, development of social protection statistics database and preparing publication of the World Social Security Report. Technical cooperation projects in South Africa and Namibia
- Policy Development and Research Coordinator (P5), ILO SECSOC;Coordinating work of the policy development and research group in SECSOC , in particular preparatory work for the adoption of ILO Recommendation no 202 concerning national floors of social protection, development of social protection statistics database and preparing publication of the World Social Security Report. Technical cooperation projects in Africa (Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa
- Research and Statistics Coordinator, Deputy Chief (P5), ILO, SOCFAS;Supervising work on the branch in the areas of social security statistics and research, social security technical cooperation projects in – among others - Central Eastern Europe, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Chile
- Social Security Technical Specialist (P4), ILO Central and Eastern European Multidisciplinary; Providing advice to constituents in countries covered by ILO CEET on social security policy and governance, technical cooperation projects in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Ukraine
- Policy Analyst (P4), ILO Social Security Department;Development of quantitative tools (social budget modelling), technical cooperation projects in Central and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Turkey) and Asia (Thailand)
- UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, Poland; From 1.10.1988 to 30.09 1993; From 1.10.1993 to 30.09.2013 on unpaid leave. Adjunct professor. Teaching microeconomics. Research on poverty, patterns household income and consumption, micro-simulation modelling
- MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL POLICY, Poland; From 15.05.1991 to 14.11.1993 Position Adviser to the Minister. Design of social policy, monitoring and evaluation. Pension reforms.
- “SOLIDARNOSC” Trade Union, 1980-1991; adviser on issues of economic and social policies
- MARKET RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Warsaw; 1978-1988: Research on consumer behavior
- CENTRAL PLANNING COMMISSION; 1975-1998; macro-economic modeling
Global social policy and justice. (with M. POLAKOWSKI, D. SZELEWA and M. WOJTALIK) Warsaw Debates on Social Policy Papers Series. Friedrich Ebert Foundation and ICRA Foundation, Warsaw 2015 (in Polish).
How should the adequacy of pension coverage be balanced against financial sustainability? (with John Woodall); VOLUME 2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ACTUARIAL PRACTICE, 2014
Social Protection Floor — Practice, Concept, Standard and Global Social Policy. Social Policy 12/2013; 2013(1(9))
The role of national social protection floors in extending social security to all, with Roddy McKinnon; International Social Security Review 10/2013; 66(3-4):3-1
How to Provide Basic Income Security to all Elderly People?; with Valerie Schmitt; One Pager no 2016; September 2013; The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth; Brasilia
Sustainability and Adequacy of Social Security in the Next Quarter Century: Balancing Future Pensions’ Adequacy and Sustainability while Facing Demographic Change; Life and Pensions Newsletter, The Geneva Association, 03/2013
Facing demographic challenges and balancing future pensions' adequacy and sustainability, with Kenichi Hirose; 09/2012; in: proceeding of: Pension Systems in the Crisis: Response and Resistance; conference of European Institute of Social Security and Central Administration of National Pension Insurance in Hungary; 20-21 September 2012; Budapest, Volume: Pension Systems in the Crisis: Response and Resistance
Lessons from pension reforms. Comment; in: Holzmann, Robert, Edward Palmer, and David Robalino, editors. Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World: Vol.1, Progress, Lessons, and Implementation; Washington, DC: World Bank 2012; pp. 111-114
Providing Social Security in Old Age: The International Labour Organization View; with Valerie Schmitt; in: Sri Wening Handayani and Babken Babajanian, editors: Social protection of Older Persons – social pensions in Asia; ADB 2012, pp. 137-152
Social security: Three lessons from the global crisis (with Ch. Behrendt, F. Bonnet, M. Cichon); in: The Global Crisis. Causes, responses and challenges, ILO, Geneva 2011
Pension dillemas. Foundations of social dialogue (with A. Zybała) (in Polish: Emerytalne dylematy. Podstawy dla dialogu), DIALOG Pismo Dialogu Społecznego 1/2011 (28), pp. 14-26
Taxes and retirement pensions – good times for the rich? (in Polish: Podatki i emerytury - pogoda dla bogaczy?), Interview, Obywatel, web page
Social protection floor (in Polish: Absolutne minimum zabezpieczenia społecznego); Polityka Społeczna, 9/2010; Vol. 37 (438)
Without protection? Interview (in Polish Bez zabezpieczenia?) for “Obywatel” (“Citizen”); no 2/2010 (49) Policy objectives, means and measures (in Polish: Polityka celów, środków i miar); DIALOG, Pismo Dialogu Społecznego;
No 3-4/2009 (23), pp. 17-26
Social security in times of crisis, (with Florence Bonnet and Ellen Ehmke), International Social Security Review (No 2/2010), pp. 47-70
Social security in times of crisis: an international perspective; paper prepared for Expert Group Meeting on Population 4/3 Ageing, Intergenerational Transfers and Social Protection, Santiago, Chile, 20-21 October, 2009
Maintaining Pension Levels in PAYG Schemes in Ageing Societies: Rules versus Discretion, with John Woodall; paper presented at: ISSA Technical Seminar on pensions; Paris, France, 1-2 October 2009
Employment and social protection in the new demographic context (co-author), International Labour Office, Geneva 2009
Polish Pension Reform: Ten Years After (in Polish: Reforma emerytalna po dziesięciu latach); DIALOG, Pismo Dialogu Spolecznego; No 1-2/2009 (22), pp. 51-55
Extending Social Security to All A review of challenges, present practice and strategic options (co-author); International Labour office, Geneva 2009
Book Review: Barr, N., Diamond. P; Reforming Pensions: Principles and policy choices. (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009), International Social Security Review, Vol. 62; 3/2009; pp. 115-117
Rights-based approach to social security coverage expansion, in Closing the Coverage Gap: Role of Social Pensions and other Retirement Income Transfers, ed. R. Holzmann, D.A. Robalino and N. Takayama, World Bank, Washington , June 2009
Can Low-Income Countries Afford Basic Social Security? (with Christina Behrendt), in: Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Social protection; OECD; Paris 2009
Can low-income countries afford social security?, with: C. Behrendt: in Peter Townsend ed.: Social Security - Building Decent Societies: Rethinking the Role of Social Security in Development; ILO – Palgrave/Macmillan, Geneva – London 2009;
Can African countries afford basic social security? Can they afford not to have it?, Poverty in Focus, No 15, August 2008, International Poverty Centre, Brasilia (pp. 24-25)
Tanzanian Social Fund pilot of conditional cash transfers: experimenting on poorest people?,
http://www.socialsecurityextension.org and www.wahenga.net Changing the development policy paradigm: Investing in a social security floor for all: with M. Cichon; International
Social Security Review, Vol. 60, 2-3/2007, pp. 169-196 Changing the paradigm in social security: From fiscal burden to investing in people: with M. Cichon and J. Woodall,
in: Ocampo, Jose Antonio and Jomo, K.S. (eds.): Towards Full and Decent Employment, Zed Books Ltd, London 2007
Future of social security pensions (in Polish: Przyszłość emerytur z ubezpieczenia społecznego: wyzwania dla polityki społecznej, in: M. Boni, S. Golinowska: New dilemmas of social policy (In Polish: Nowe dylematy polityki społecznej), CASE, Warszawa 2006.
Social dialogue on pension reform strategy (in Polish: Dialog wokół strategii emerytalnej); DIALOG, Pismo Dialogu Spolecznego; No 3/2006 (12), pp. 21-28
What pensions? (in Polish Jakie emerytury?); Nowe Zycie Gospodarcze, no 17/401 (11 september 2005) Can low income countries afford basic social protection?, with Pal, K.; Behrendt, C.; Léger, F.; Cichon, M.; SOC/FAS
Discussion Paper no 13, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2005.; Sustainable, safe and adequate pensions in the ageing society. Policy dilemmas, Polityka Społeczna. 11-17 (2005)
Later retirement? It’s not so simple...(in Polish); in: I. Wóycicka, ed; Retiring later? Studies on Policies to Increase Economic Activity Rates of Older Workers, Polish Forum of the Lisbon Strategy, Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Gdańsk 2004
Nachhaltig, sicher und angemessen? Die Reformstrategie der Weltbank und die Rentenreformen in Polen, Ungarn, Tschechien und anderen osteuroäischen Ländern (with W. Scholz), Deutsche Renten Versicherung, 11-12/2004, pp. 5/3 778-789
Financing Social Protection, (co-author with M. Cichon, W. Scholz, A. van de Meerendonk, F. Bertranou and P. Plamondon), Quantitative Methods in Social Protection, ILO-ISSA, Geneva 2004 (forthcoming);
Social security statistics from the global perspective: ILO experience, (co-author with C. Behrendt and K. Pal, paper presented at the 23rd CEIES Seminar "Social Protection Statistics", Lisbon, Portugal, October 2003 (proceedings published by EUROSTAT, 2004);
Remaining in doubt: The long-term financial and fiscal stability of fully-funded pension schemes in ageing societies, (co-author with M. Cichon and W. Scholz), paper presented during the Consultation with the Organisation of Pension Funds in Geneva, October 2003;
Challenges facing social security systems form the European Union enlargement and opening the inner borders in Europe: Results of a simulation with a simple model, in: "Social security and changes in the world of work"; ISSA, Social security documentation, European Series No 28, Geneva 2002 (also available in French and German);
Poland - social protection in transition, (co-author with: J. Liwinski and I. Woycicka); Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Reviews, Geneva, 2001;
The Political Economy of Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: An ILO Perspective. (co-author with E. Fultz and M. Ruck), Paper presented at: "Czech Republic building a sustainable pension system", conference organised by The World Bank, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Economia, November 5-6, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic (conference papers published in Czech);
Social Budgeting in Transition Economies (co-author with: W. Scholz, M. Cichon), International Social Security Review, vol. 54, no 2-3/2001, pp. 191-215;
Social Budgeting, (co-author with: W. Scholz, M. Cichon), ILO, Geneva 2000; Income security and social protection in a changing world, "World Labour Report 2000" (co-author), ILO, Geneva 2000;
The Tranformation of social security in Central and Eastern Europe, in: K. Müller, A. Ryll and H-J.Wagener (eds.): "Transformation of Social Security: Pensions in Central-Eastern Europe", Physica Verlag, Heidelberg-New York 1999;
Social Protection and pension systems in Central and Eastern Europe (co-author with: M. Cichon and M. Ruck), ILO- CEET Report No. 21, Budapest 1997;
Zabezpieczenie spoleczne w okresie transformacji: inercja czy reforma?, in: M. Okolski, U. Sztanderska, red., Studia nad reformowaniem gospodarki: Aspekty instytucjonalne, PWN, Warszawa 1996;
The Role of Social, Labour Market, Wage and Education Policies in Promoting Employment in the Russian Federation, (co-author with: A. Nesporova, D. Vaughan-Whitehead), in: "For More and Better Jobs in the Russian Federation", ILO-CEET Report no. 17, Budapest 1996 (also in Russian);
Social Protection Expenditure: A Review of Macroeconomic Issues (co-author with: M. Cichon), in: W. van Ginneken, ed., "Finding the balance: Financing and Coverage of Social Protection in Europe", ISSA, Geneva 1996;
Social Protection in Slovakia. (co-author with: M. Cichon), in: M. Cichon, ed, "Social Protection in the Visegrad Countries: Four Country Profiles", ILO-CEET Report no 13, Budapest 1995;
What Role for the Minimum Wage in the Polish New Labour Market, in: D. Vaughan-Whithead, G. Standing, ed., "Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: From Protection to Destitution", Central European University Press, Budapest 1995; (also in Spanish: Cual es el papel del salario minimo en el nuevo mercado de trabajo polacco?, in: D. Vaughan-Whithead, G. Standing, ed., "Los salarios minimos en la Europa Central y Oriental: de la proteccion a la exclusion", Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 1998);
Poland: Country Study, (co-author with: F.Coricelli and K.Rybinski) in: S.Commander, F.Coricelli, eds, "Unemployment, Restructuring and the Labour Market in Eastern Europe and Russia", EDI Development Studies, World Bank, Washington 1995; 6/3