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Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung

Social Protection Symposium 2016 - Documentation

Impressions of the Social Protection Symposium 2016

Impressions of the Social Protection Symposium 2016

The 2-day symposium on “Social Protection Systems – Tying the Knots” provided the floor for round about 200 practitioners, policy-makers and researchers from 58 countries on September 5-6 to exchange and discuss advances and challenges in social protection system building.

The first day of the symposium in Bonn started off with keynote speeches and panel discussions, reflecting on the importance of flexible and adaptive systems for low but also for high-come countries and the international challenges that these systems have to respond to.

The second day gave room to practitioners and academics to present their latest research findings around system-strengthening in the form of papers and posters. Selected speakers presented their research around the themes of conceptual variations of social protection systems, effective linkages between social protection interventions and different ways of how to analyse the performance of social protection systems. All documentation can be found below:

Please find below the individual documents presentated at the symposium as well as some of the presentations:

Watch additional videos on the Social Protection Symposium

Tying the Knots: What does the title mean for participnats?


The Gain: What did participants take back home from the Sympsoium?


The Audience: Find out why we organized the Social Protection Symposium 2016.


Main Challenges: What are the issues discussed at the Social Protection Sympsoium 2016?

Some impressions:

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The Symposium was organized by:
FES  |  BMZ  |  GIZ  |  die - gdi  |  Maastricht University  |  Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg


We thank all, who made this sympsoium a success.