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How does Ableism occur in our society?


Montag, 04. Oktober 2021


18:00 - 19:00

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Luisa L'Audace is an activist for inclusion - on Instagram, her texts about Ableism and ableism, inclusion and accessibility are shared so often that Luisa now speaks there to an audience of over 15,000 people (as of July, 2021). In doing so, she addresses a wide range of topics, such as the term "disability bonus" and what is so wrong with it - and why Luisa and other disabled people do not "suffer" from their disability.
Alina Buschmann has a degree in acting and, in addition to general lectures on the topic of inclusion, she also advises film, series and theater productions on the topic of disability under the heading "dramapproved". In her podcast NODRAMA she gives free rein to her thoughts on life as a disabled woman. She specializes primarily in media, non-discriminatory language, and patients* rights. Her motto is: "We live in a system without a suitable drawer for me, so I built my own drawer until we don't need any more drawers."

Target group: public
Contact person: Katrin Maag katrin.maag@h-brs.de
Organiser: Initiative Respekt!
Event language: German
Registration: no registration required

This event will take place online in any case.

This is an event as part of the action week of the initiative "Respect! Time for Diversity, Time for Sustainability".