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Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Frequently asked questions for international prospective students of the Department of Natural Sciences

Frequently asked questions for international prospective students of the Department of Natural Sciences
Living and Studying in Rheinbach: FAQs
How is the academic year organized?

In Germany, the academic year is divided into two semesters (terms). Lectures in the winter semester are given from the middle/end of September to the end of January, and then in the summer semester from the end of March to the beginning of July. There are two examination periods following and preceeding the lecture periods.  

Here you will find the actual dates.

All study programmes offered by the Department of Natural Sciences have a strong focus on practical training, therefore you will be very busy in our laboratories during the lecture period. If you do not have practicals (laboratory classes) you will probably spend an equivalent amount of time in the library, reviewing lectures, preparing lab reports, and researching scientific literature.

Current time tables are published in our LEA system.

How much money will I need for living and leisure expenses?

The cost of living in Germany is quite reasonable compared to other European countries. On average a student needs aprox. 900 Euro per month in Germany. Read more on the costs of living, money and bank accounts here...

Are there any scholarships available for incoming students?

Unfortunately the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences cannot provide scholarships for a complete course of studies. There are, however, a number of institutions and/or foundations to which one can apply for funding. For further information please check this page: https://www.h-brs.de/en/scholarships-international-students

Can I work while studying in Germany?

Students of an EU member country are subject to the same rules which apply to German students. However, they should not work longer than 20 hours per week. Otherwise they are required to pay into the social security system. It’s advised not to exceed this limit to avoid being considered a regular employee, which could affect student status.

Students from all other countries are only permitted to work at maximum 140 full days or 280 half days per year (voluntary internships included). Alternatively, they can work up to 20 hours per week. Those who wish to work longer require permission from the Federal Employment Agency and the Alien Registration Office. We advise you to consult with the international office before finding a part-time job. They can offer you more information about working as a international student and also share with you opportunities they might have available for you.

How about the housing situation?

Most German students choose to live in a flat (apartment) on their own, with other students or with their partner. A student hostel is however an interesting alternative as it is considerably less expensive!  Moreover it is a great opportunity to quickly and easily meet people from all over the world.

We therefore recommend applying for a room in a student residence. For the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, housing is organized by the Student Services Bonn (Studentenwerk Bonn). Please find information on the online application process here.

When to arrive in Germany?

We strongly recommend that you arrive in Germany and in Rheinbach on or before the middle of September. This will allow you to have enough time to settle in (e.g. into your new home) or to find one and to see to all the mainly formal things that you will not find the time to do once the semester starts.

An early arrival also allows you to participate in the orientation weeks which begin in the mid September. During these sessions, the content of the study programme will be presented and explained to you, safety instructions will be given (mandatory attendance is required to take practical courses), you will be introduced to the laboratories, the library and the campus in general.

Are there any contact points for further information and help?

For any formal questions regarding further proceedings please contact the Registrar's Office. Furthermore check our web page "Study guidance" as they provides all kinds of useful information for students from abroad.

For any particular questions regarding both Biology programmes please contact Prof. Volk or Prof. Sass or refer to the web pages of the corresponding study programmes: Applied_Biology or MSc_Biomedical_Sciences.

For detailed questions regarding the Bachelor programme Forensic Sciences please contact Prof. Richard Jäger.

Maybe you just need someone to give you that kind of information that cannot be found on official pages? For those questions a student tutor (called Study Buddy) will be assigned to you by the Welcome Centre of our university. Your tutor will be enrolled in a higher semester and will help you to find your way around. Please find more information here.

Contact Points

International Office - Rheinbach






Egermannstraße 1

53359 Rheinbach


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